Mindfull Miss Camille
The sample pack is a single pyramid. 2,5 g tea ready to be brewed. If you are a B2B customer, head over to our wholesale assortment and contact our customer support for puchase!
Mindful Miss Camille moves through life like a gentle breeze, always in harmony with the rhythms of the universe. A free spirit with a heart full of love and a mind full of dreams, Camille’s days are filled with flowing movements, meditation, and the soothing vibrations of her sound healing sessions.
She believes in the healing power of nature, finding peace in every sunrise, every rustle of the leaves, and every cup of herbal tea. Camille’s favourite? A delicate blend of chamomile, elderberries, and lemon balm. She brews her tea with intention, letting it steep while she practices her morning rituals. To Camille, each sip is a ritual, a moment of mindfulness that brings her back to her centre.
With a collection of crystals in her pocket and a soothing presence that calms even the most restless souls, Camille is always there to remind you to breathe, relax, and enjoy the simple things in life. Her tea is like a gentle embrace, wrapping you in warmth and serenity.
EN Ingredients: Camomile flowers* (25,3%), orange peels*, lemon balm* (16,25%), elderberries* (15%), rose hips*, lemongrass*, lemon oil*, spearmint *. *controlled biological cultivation.
SE Ingredienser: Kamomillblommor* (25,3%), apelsinskal*, citronmeliss* (16,25%), fläderbär* (15%), nypon*, citrongräs*, citronolja*, grönmynta*. *kontrollerad ekologisk odling.
NO Ingredienser: Kamilleblomster* (25,3%), appelsinskall*, sitronmelisse* (16,25%), hyllebær* (15%), nype*, sitrongress*, sitronolje*, grønnmynte*. *kontrollert økologisk dyrking.
DK Ingredienser: Kamilleblomster* (25,3%), appelsinskal*, citronmelisse* (16,25%), hyldebær* (15%), hyben*, citrongræs*, citronolie*, grønmynte*. *kontrolleret økologisk dyrkning.
FI Ainesosat: Kamomillinkukat* (25,3%), appelsiininkuori*, sitruunamelissa* (16,25%), seljanmarjat* (15%), ruusunmarja*, sitruunaruoho*, sitruunaöljy*, viherminttu*. *valvottu luomuviljely.
DE Zutaten: Kamillenblüten* (25,3%), Orangenschalen*, Zitronenmelisse* (16,25%), Holunderbeeren* (15%), Hagebutten*, Zitronengras*, Zitronenöl*, Krauseminze*. *kontrollierter biologischer Anbau.
FR Ingrédients: Fleurs de camomile* (25,3%), zestes d’orange*, mélisse citronnelle* (16,25%), baies de sureau* (15%), cynorhodon*, citronnelle*, huile de citron *, menthe*. *culture biologique contrôlée.
Dear Tea Society:ssa kokoontuvat eksentriset, ihmeelliset, absurdit, janoiset, väsyneet, levottomat, kauniit, luovat ja uteliaat persoonat. Kaikkia yhdistää rakkaus teehen. Me juomme teetä mustana, vihreänä, valkoisena ja haudukkeina. Me rakastamme jakaa kannullisen hyvien ystävien kera, mutta toisaalta osaamme nauttia suunnattomasti myös yksin hiljaisuudessa nautitusta kupillisesta. Tee auttaa meitä ajattelemaan, unelmoimaan, antamaan anteeksi ja unohtamaan. Tee on kaikki, ja siksi rakastamme teetä.